Uncle Neddy
A once beloved host of a 50's TV Kiddie Show,
Neddy was looking forward to a long life with his sweetheart
Alicia Beigé. He got sucked up by a twister and went on to a fabulous
career in the underworld, telling his boring stories to the lost souls of
Purgatory. Sometimes he reappears when things could not be worse. Although not really dead, many wish he was.
Lois Hymenstein
Once Gina's personal therapist, Lois was strangled by a deranged
ventriloquist. She currently resides in the freezer of the famous
Cavern Club.
The brother of Throckmorton, he was the lead mortician for Gender's
funeral. Now he's keeping her company in the world beyond. He drank
one of his own potions, "Jekyl Juice", and reverted to a monkey boy
moments before a hit man gave him his final banana.
Officer Crueller Tuenfore
Sharon's ex-husband and ex-father of her child Cinnamon 3, Crueller
revealed he was actually married to Chilly Pott all the time. Sharon
demanded he divorce Chilly and though he acquiesced, Sharon pulled
the trigger anyway. Sharon dumped the body in a wood chipper.
Dino Cabbáge
From somewhere in Europe came the mysterious Dino. He got involved with
strippers and was killed by a cooter during a lap dance by Chilly Pott.
Gender Gillooly
Gender was a remarkably talented woman- a striptease artist, an undercover
agent, an adulterer pregnant with Rusty's bastard child. She sustained
a massive head injury caused by flying propane tanks during a twister.
She is currently cryogenically preserved in the Cavern Club freezer.
An alcoholic vampire, the deranged Throckmorton devoured Harper Rowe's infected organs. He then
contracted E.I. (Environmental Illness). Divinity tried to restore
him with a Voodoo cure, but unfortunately he was reduced to skeletal
remains, which Divinity fed into a wood chipper. After an unsuccessful attempt to use Divinty Fudge
as a "host carcass", Throckmorton's spirit now resides in the body of her possessed infant!
Conrad Dingus
Former owner of the long gone Dingusland, Conrad meet his end
after returning to his office looking for a can of cheese whiz, only to be trampled to death by a stampede
of trapped trailer park residents.